Monday, February 28, 2011

Studium and Punctum

 This is a picture of one of the dogs I walk at the Humane Society. The studium is the dog in the play area that is covered with snow. To me, the punctum is the choke collar that Nicky (the dog) is wearing. It makes me think of how strong this dog is and how my family used to use one on my old lab because she was too strong for any of us to walk.

 This is a photograph taken by Minor White titled "Warehouse Area." The studium is a man walking in the street holding a sheet behind him that is being blown in the wind. To me, the punctum is the weed growing in front of the door. It makes me think how it has been since the door was last opened.

Maggie M


  1. I think the choke collar is the punctum for me as well except for a different reason. I tend to think of dogs with choke collars as bad dogs and to see this dog being playful and friendly I think very much in contrast to the choke collar.


  2. The punctum for me in the dog photo is the dog house, probably because my dog never had a dog house. The punctum for me in the Minor White photo are the splotches on the side of the building above the plant.


  3. The punctum for me in the Warehouse Area photo is, like Hannah, the splotches in the doorway. But more than just the splotches, the dents in the door in the center of each splotch. It looks like someone tried to bust their way in.

